Going the Distance

“There is no such thing as “Too Much Planning”
Child welfare project implementation is not for the faint of heart and preparing for CCWIS is yet another opportunity for states to get it right, or an opportunity to get it wrong. Getting it right or wrong ultimately depends on how well you plan and prepare. There are enormous possibilities offered to states through CCWIS funding which should catapult child welfare practice into a new age - forever changing the way our work is done. The potential for both practice and technology innovation is incredible and provides a pathway to improving our service to children and families. The ultimate goal is to move the needle on safety, permanency and well-being, but first you have to survive the implementation process.

The nuts and bolts of a CCWIS implementation is relatively straightforward. The common thread to each of the project phases, or planning phases is, well… planning. Planning is fundamental to the successful implementation of any size project and CCWIS is a pretty big deal. The success of your state’s CCWIS is vital to the future of how your state will do business. These opportunities don’t come along every day; about every twenty years or so, but who’s counting? We have become accustomed to implementation failure and “start and stop” projects that ultimately don’t bring the intended results or results that are sustainable. Poor planning and project management are the top two reasons projects fail.

This guide intends to demystify the entire CCWIS process, simplify the project phases and make it easier for implementation teams to exercise due diligence in their planning efforts. The time spent “getting it right” matters most to our kids, families and workers… because they can’t wait another twenty years.

Going the Distance


ACF - Administration for Children and Families
APD - Advanced Planning Document
BPR - Business Process Redesign
CCWIS - Comprehensive Child Welfare Information System
COTS - Custom off the Shelf

DDI - Design, Development and Implementation
FFP - Federal Financial Partner
IAPD - Implementation Advanced Planned Document
IV&V - Independent Verification and Validation
PAPD - Planning Advanced Planning Document

OAPD - Operational Advanced Planning Document
OCM - Organizational Change Management
RFP - Request for Proposal
SI - System Integrator

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